Services provided by the Mission Housing Development Corporation Resident Services team are born through community input and tailored to address the needs of each housing development and each individual. The Residents Services team at Mission Housing works hard providing the resources and services that our 3,000-plus tenants need to maintain their housing stability. This is what truly sets Mission Housing Development Corporation from any other affordable housing developer.
AA High Noon
A Philip Randolph Institute
Arriba Juntos
California Institute of Integral Studies-Clinic Without Walls
CCES – SF Peninsula Energy Services
Community Access Tickets Services (CATs)
Community Youth Center of San Francisco (CYC)
Department of Elections
EatSF (Food Voucher Program)
Family Giving Tree
Friends School
Internet Essentials from Comcast
Institute for Health & Aging
La Raza Centro Legal
Marina Pest Control
Mayor’s Office Housing Community Development Division
Mayor’s Office of Neighborhood Services
Mission Hiring Hall
Mission Neighborhood Centers
Mission YMCA
On Lok Lifeways
Opportunities 4 All
San Francisco Department of Building Inspection
San Francisco Food Bank
San Francisco SAFE
SF Police and Fire Department
San Francisco State University
Seismic Safety Outreach Program
Self-Help for the Elderly
Sunset Youth Services
The Bar Association of San Francisco